Grand Master Bos in Scotland
It’s not often opportunities arise to train with legends in Taekwon-Do right on your doorstep. But this past august TKD Events gave that opportunity with Grand Master Bos visiting Scotland for a book signing with his brand new ITF Taekwon-Do Pattern Manual, and a one off Master Class Seminar in Wishaw.
A number of students & instructors from GMAC were there, learning from one of the best in ITF Taekwon-Do, the session was jam packed full on fun warm up drills, technical drills, as well as Pattern & Sparring fundamentals.
From start to finish everyone has a smile on their face, and a look of awe at GM Bos and his exceptional flexibility & strength skills he demonstrated throughout the session.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Check out some of the photos below. With more found online on the TKD Events Facebook Page